We promote the right to education of vulnerable children by providing them with tuition, scholastic materials, and other school requirements for them to keep in school, study and complete their studies. Monitor the performances and progress of the supported children. Pen pal project between Lele Joint Effort Group children and those in the schools in the Bostwana.
We empower, support, mentor and nurture young people and women with gainful hands-on applicable self and employable skills for their livelihood, development and self-reliance. We build the capacity of young people to participate in personal m, community development. Raise awareness about young people’s importance in the development of their families, community, country and the world. We do identify, reawaken and develop the talents of young people for personal advances. Skills promoted include among others are: - Music, dance, drama, poetry, art and craft making, sports, tailoring, hairdressing, computer training and others as resources may allow
The right to health of children is paramount and is being promoted. We support vulnerable young people with health care, educate them about good health, hygiene and sanitation. Health issues include HIV/AIDS/STD Prevention, sexual reproductive health, COVID 19, Malaria prevention and treatment adherence and conduct health camps. .
Lele Joint Effort Group trains, educates and support the community in economic development. We support with income generating activities, train saving culture, conduct trainings in areas of economic issues. .
We are encouraging, promoting, training and sensitization of people in the community and schools about human rights, democracy, leadership and accountability. Some of these include peace building, leadership, conflict resolution and management. .
A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.